Future Continuous tense examples

Future Continuous Tense Examples | Future Continuous Tense Structure

Helping verb of future continuous tense is "will be & Shall be".  Always add "be" after "will & Shall" and then write "the first form of the verb with ing". For example "playing, eating, etc" in these verbs always write "ing" with verbs. Future continuous tense is simple and easy. 

More discussion about Future continuous tense examples:

Pakistan will be exporting goods.

We shall be drinking Mango Juice.

Use of will in future continuous tense:

Will is used when the sentence starts with "he, she, it, they, you, etc" or any other subject. 


He will be writing a story.

She will be writing a story.

They will be writing a story.

It will be raining.

James will be eating Apples.

Use of Shall in future continuous tense:

Shall is used when the sentence starts with "I, we". We always use "shall" when sentences start with "I & we". By using some examples like "I shall be writing a letter, We shall be driving a car". In these sentences, we always use "shall" when the subject is "I, we". Subject means performer.


I shall be eating food.

We shall be driving a car.

Negative Sentences:

Using of  "not" after helping verb of future continuous tense "will be & shall be". Always use the first form of a verb with ing in the future continuous tense. For example "He will not be going to University, I shall not be attending my classes" is the method of making negative sentences of future continuous tense.

He will not be writing a story.
She will not be printing a book.
They will not be solving the sums.
I shall not be singing a song.
We shall not be attending the classes.

Interrogative Sentences:

Always write helping verb of future continuous tense "will & Shall" at the beginning of future continuous tense interrogative sentences. Then write "subject" and after writing "subject" then write "be" and after writing "be" then write "the first form of the verb with "ing"" and then write "object". 

Future Continuous tense interrogative examples and they are also future continuous tense examples:

Will they be drinking juice?
Will he be singing a song?
Shall I be taking tea?
Shall I be seeing a car?

Future continuous tense examples:
"We shall be eating food, We shall not be eating food" are Future continuous tense examples. Future continuous examples are easy but many people don't know how we use "will & Shall" after which subject. 

Sentence Discussion:

We shall be eating food.

In this sentence, "we" is the subject so, we write "shall" when the subject is "I, we" so, in this sentence subject is "we" so we use "shall". Always write "be" after the Helping verb of future continuous tense. So, future continuous tense examples are perfectly written when we use "helping verbs" correctly. Remember that always use "the first form of the verb with ing" in future continuous tense examples.

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